One Little Hobbit

  • Autor: Rodrigo Fontes "Tindómerendil"
  • Título original: One Tin Soldier
  • Autor original: Popularizada por Joan Baez

  • Listen children to a story
    that was written long ago
    ’bout a kingdom on a mountain
    and the valley folk below.
    On the mountain was a treasure;
    a dragon lied around the gold
    and the dwarves of Thorin swore
    they’d have it for their very own.
         Go ahead, defy your neighbour,
         go ahead and kill the elves.
         Do it in the name of Durin,
         a treasure is in the end.
         Five Armies will shake the valley,
         dawn skies eagles sail
         on the bloody morning after
         one little hobbit rides away.
    So the dwarves of the Mountain
    sent a bird to the Iron Hills
    telling ‘bout the buried treasure,
    tons of gold for which they’d kill.
    Came an answer from the kingdom:
    “With our cousins we’ll defend
    Our city inside the mountain,
    and the riches buried there.”
    Now the goblins cried with anger,
    mountin’ wolves, drawin’ swords,
    and they killed the valley people,
    and their corpses fed the wargs.
    Hills and Woods fought all together
    on the mountain, dark and red,
    tinged with crimson blood the foothill.
    “Against the orcs” was all they said.
         Go ahead, defy your neighbour,
         go ahead and kill the elves.
         Do it in the name of Durin,
         a treasure is in the end.
         Five Armies will shake the valley,
         dawn skies eagles sail
         on the bloody morning after
         one little hobbit rides away.